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My videos related to my experience in India



For my final diploma project I interviewed people about sex education in India. In this video, there are 2 mothers, one male adult and two 23 years old girls, all from the same area which is the college where I was studying. To approach other socio-economical class, the barrier of language appear, the religion and cultural aspect. I manage to go in a muslim familly with my kit and test it with 4 to 6 years old girls. Because this subject is complex, the first possibility is to make a change where there is a demand and through this sensibilized other because everybody should have education. In a lot of cases, people were shied to speak about it and it was important to gain their trust.

I did personal interview with voice recordering and quantitative survey and qualitative research. 

You can find more of my research in the "project" tab. It is interesting to see how design research can help reaching more information. 


Chanapatna is a village near Bangalore where people work with wood. There is over 3000 traditional artisans engaged in the production of lacquerware.

Most of the product are wooden toys. On this video you can see how they use natural color sticks to paint the products and their dexterity to give the good shape really fast. They did in front of us two identical bracelets.

In November, every year it's Diwali Festival, also known as Festival of Light.

It is celebrated during five days by Hindus, Sikhs and Jains people for a variety of reasons, the main one is the triumph of light over darkness, good over devil.

They light crackers, candle and fireworks. Everybody go on the street to do it and it becomes a festival created by people which gather them in a joy atmosphere.

To compair with Catholic religion, this is their Christmas. They do it in family and give to each other gift. A lot of sweet and dry fruits are sold during this period.

In October it is Ganesh Festival. Ganesh is the elephant head God, he means wealth that's why a lot of people celebrate him.

Hindus worship Ganesh during this day by making a big procession till a lac where they are going to immerge him two time before let him go. It is a big tradition and 3 weeks before you can already see a lot of Ganesh statue painted with a lot of color ready to be bought. Usually everybody of the community contribute to be able to have a big one for all of them. They like processing around the neigbouhour to show off and gather everybody before going to the lac.

We have been invited to one of them and this bellow video is how it looked like.

When my brother came to work in Delhi - 2014

Visit of temples, fort, Taj Mahal ...

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